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"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."


Custom Mantra

Custom Mantra


$450.00 is the base price depending on the size and the work needed to put into creating a mantra. This option will require you to provide us with a master of the Mantra or Mantras you would like That will need to be a maximum size of 10 X 14 pdf. Once you choose this option we will get you together with our Mantra font specialist to get the mantra to the right size and legibility this will be an additional fee for creating the mantra this fee varies from $300-450 for the specialist. However, if you know how to do your own formatting then we will not have to use the specialist. Once the master film is made you you recieve 1 duplicate 2000 ft roll of the mantra requested. Please email for pricing


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